1992 | Study of the Soil in Areas Damaged due to Liquefaction during the July 16, 1990 Philippine Earthquake | Report | Data collection, analysis and reporting is expected to be finalized in January 1992. Engr. Parayno, the UP BRS staff involved in this project will be presenting a paper based on the results of the study in an international conference on the July 16, 1990 earthquake to be held in Manila on March 17, 1992. | |
1991 | Geotechnical Properties of Redisposited Lahar Derived from 1991 Mt. Pinatubo Eruption | Article | Baseline data was obtained through a subsurface investigation program consisting of laboratory tests and field exploration on 15 areas located in Zambales, Pampanga and Tarlac. Recommendations for the analysis and design of shallow foundations, slopes and retaining structures were formulated. Correlations, which can be used to obtain textural and shear strength parameters from field tests, were also developed. Results of the subsurface investigation also reveal a high potential for liquefaction in most of the sites considered in the project. Finally, a hyperbolic constitutive model is proposed to describe the stress-strain behavior of lahar. Comparison of laboratory test results with those predicted by the proposal model show good agreement. | |
1999 | Strength of Slag Cement | Report | The primary purpose of the project is to determine the physical, chemical and strength properties of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) and slag cement and OPC with slag as partial cement replacement. Test results for the OPC and slag cement were compared to determine the viability of slag as partial cement replacement. | |
1991 | Completion and Retrofitting of the Ferrocement Model House | Article | The project made functional the Ferrocement Model House whose construction was not completed due to some exigencies. Some parts of the house which utilized ferrocement components developed on the study have to be retrofitted. An analysis of the structural viability of the ferrocement components originally placed and designed was undertaken before its retrofitting. | |
2008 | Adaptation of Prediction Models to Determine the Level of Ddeterioration of RC in Marine Environment | Article | Two prediction models to determine the level of deterioration of reinforced concrete structures were developed mathematically. The first model focuses on predicting the time to initiate corrosion resulting from chloride ingress while the second model will predict the time required to cause a concrete cover to crack due to corroding rebar/s | |
2008 | Analysis of Deterioration of Reinforced Concrete Structures in Local Marine Environment | Article | Motivated on the need to extend the service life of marine structures, the study centered on the formulation of appropriate standard procedures for inspection of RC structures exposed to marine environment. Included in the study are physical assessments on some local ports in the Philippines | |
2008 | Development of a Performance-based Maintenance System for Marine Concrete | Journal | A framework for performance-based maintenance system for marine structures in the Philippines was developed. | |
2008 | Leak-Proof Precast Panel for Modular Housing | Article | The projects aims to come up with compilation of technologies, practices and specifications related to sealants, jointing methods and evaluation methods. Performance assessment methods and facility for precast components and systems shall also be established. Product innovations/recommendations based for the production of leak-proof precast concrete wall panel systems will be developed. | |
2008 | Alternative Building Systems of Residential Structures Considering Seismic Loadings | Report | The projects aims to document existing building systems utilized in the local housing industry; procure and install a suitable testing facility for assessing seismic effects in structural systems, and assess a proposed building system using the testing facility and system-level modeling. | |
2008 | Fire Hazard Mitigation System for Cluster Housing | Article | The projects aims to develop the capability to conduct testing for fire resistive properties and combustibility of construction materials and building assemblies. A fire hazard mitigation system in clustered housing shall also be established. | |
2008 | Evaluation of Strength and Durability Parameters of Plain and Reinforced Concrete Using Local Cements | Article | Concrete made of different types of locally manufactured cements are characterized and monitored in terms of their strength and durability when exposed to marine environment. Corrosion parameters are obtained through experiments in a simulated laboratory marine environment. Concurrent to carrying out this project, rebar corrosion related laboratory tests and setups are enhanced. Marine exposure site is still to be established. | |
| Study on the Mechanical Properties of the Antipolo Soil-Cement Mortar | Report | Laboratory work is forty percent accomplished. Accomplished laboratory work includes physical and index properties of the soil. The target date for completion is on the third quarter of the year. | |
1994 | Study on the Design Mix of Portland Cement/Pinatubo Lahar for Prefabricated Structural Components and Pavement Blocks; and for Soil Erosion Control Structures | Article | Developed an appropriate design mix utilizing Pinatubo lahar material for prefabricated panels, pavement blocks, and soil erosion control structures in conformance with acceptable measures. | |
1994 | Comparative Study on the Compressive Strength of Concrete Using Portland cement and Pozzolan Cement Under Three Conditions of Curing | Article | Compared the compressive strength of concrete cylinders (submerged in sea water and in fresh water) using Portland cement and Pozzolan cement for varying ages. | |
1991 | Adaptation of Prediction Models to Determine the Level of Deterioration | Article | In support of UP BRS, the UP System took the risk of using hollow block that was mixed with rice hull ash to encourage further studies in the development of such materials. Performance of the blocks through time is being planned for documentation. | |
1991 | Comparative Study of Interlocking Hollow Block Design | Article | The study would serve as a base reference for the approval of funds for Livelihood Resource Center to interested manufacturers whose interlocking blocks/bricks were components of the research. This activity bolsters the function of UP BRS in validating innovative technologies for commercialization purposes. Output: 120-page Final Report | |
1990 | Productivity Study for the Construction Industry | Article | This study provided an integrated effort in gaining an understanding of productivity in the main subsector of the construction industry. Specifically it aimed to examine the anatomy of productivity of the various input resources at the disposal of the contractor namely manpower, materials, technology, information and management. Output: Three-Volume Final Report | |
| Assessment of the Liquefaction Potential of Metropolitan Manila Area | Report | This project came about through the involvement of the office in a Training Programme on Earthquake Engineering and Disaster Management for Establishing Building Administration System in the Philippines. Since the staff involved has already transferred to another government agency, the work has to be reassessed. An inventory of the resources and technical materials gathered through the program is currently being done. A proposal on its continuation or revision based on available resources is currently being looked into. | Download PDF |
1992 | Correlation of Standard Penetration Test and Cone Penetration Test Data for Liquefaction Mitigations | Report | This is a derivative study of the study of the soil in areas damaged due to liquefaction during the July 16, 1990 Philippine earthquake. Data gathering is eighty percent complete. Collation, data analysis and documentation is completed last quarter of 1992. | |
1991 | Development of Fiber Concrete Roofing Technology | Report | Based on the study, FCR tile is found to be a viable alternative material to low cost housing. It has a passive cooling effect that eliminates the need for a ceiling in the roof construction. The research project was aimed to test the viability of FCR tiles and in the process of its utilization adjustment will be made to make it more adaptable to user in terms of cost. FCR tiles were found to be more economical to the popular cement tile through costing more than conventional galvanized iron. | |
| Liquefaction Susceptibility of Pinatubo Lahar Deposits | Report | Pinatubo lahar deposits are considered as loose sandy deposits with a very high potential for liquefaction failure. The study investigated the susceptibility of these deposits in Pampanga, Tarlac and Zambales using widely used liquefaction assessment methods i.e., Seed and Idriss and the Japanese Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE). | |
1998 | Cone Penetration Test in Metro Manila Soils | Article | The objective of the study is to determine the geotechnical properties of Metro Manila soils using Cone Penetration Test. The use of this test present an alternative method or supplemental method for other in-situ tests in estimating geotechnical properties of soils. | |
2003 | Compendium of Indigenous Building Materials and Technologies (CIBMAT) | Journal | The objective was to produce a resource book of indigenous building material and technologies in the Philippines to increase the awareness and promote the use of these materials. The output consists of a resource book and a web-based electronic database. Information | |
2003 | Comparative Testing of Clinker Grinding Additive | Article | The objective was to determine the effect of various dosages of grinding additives to the compressive strength and time of setting of Portland Cement concrete. | |
2003 | Extent of Deterioration of Model Houses and Shed | Report | The project was executed to assess the condition of the model houses and shed constructed in 1989-1993 in UP Diliman through DOST-PCIERD funding. A condition survey was carried out using a survey/assessment tool developed for this purpose, to determine the extent of deterioration. A scheme for repair and refurbishing was formulated and repair works required were executed. Finally, recommendations for preventive maintenance were drafted. | |
2005 | Development of a Rapid Assessment Tool for Material-Related Deterioration for RC Structures | Article | The project aims to come up with a protocol for field inspection as well as laboratory verification for rapid assessment of material-related deterioration in reinforced concrete structures. With the establishment of the protocol, systematic generation of data needed as input for structural analysis as well as in coming up with recommendations for repair or rehabilitation can be realized. | |